Saturday, 15 October 2011

Another Fangirly Discovery! And some other Harry Potter websites

I'm on Photoshop right now, I swear. Hopefully I'll have the next part of my Top Five Favourite Fictional Characters picspam up tonight. Tomorrow at the latest, I promise. Well, maybe not. But anyways, I do have a fangirly discovery to share!

I found a link today to PotterCon 2012, which is an entirely-online Harry Potter convention happening in September 2012! I basically fit the description on their website: I've always wanted to go to a fan convention, but they're never in my area / I do not have that kind of money. So that excites me. Tickets are $20, and I'm going to wait until there's a bit more publicity and information on it before I buy one, but as far as I'm concerned, you can count me in.

I thought I'd take this opportunity to offer up a few web resources where Harry Potter is concerned. It's a huge fandom, and I'm still finding it kind of hard to navigate online, even though I've been part of it forever, but I've found a few gold mines along the way.

1. Alivans - Makers of wands, brooms, and other Harry Potter merchandise. If you're looking to get your own wand or broom, this is the place. Their stuff is gorgeous. But the catch, of course, is that it will cost you your life savings. It's still worth drooling and dreaming over though.

2. MuggleNet - A gold mine for any news related to Harry Potter. They track Quidditch matches in the Muggle world, post song parodies and Wizard Rock, and news about things like the Leavesden Studios tour and Pottermore.

3. Pottermore - Speaking of Pottermore, this probably should have been the first thing on my list. Registration opens on Halloween for anyone who didn't get one of the million beta testing spots! (And if you did get a spot, add me! HazelCharm112.)

4. Leavesden Studios Tour Website - And, speaking of the Leavesden Studios tour, here's the link for that! Warner Brothers is allowing you to tour the sets from the Harry Potter movies, which sounds absolutely amazing. If only I lived remotely close to England...

5. Wizarding Life Magazine - A hilarious magazine that writes for a magical audience. Headlines include Gingerism: A Serious Issue Within the Walls of Hogwarts? and New Welsh Dragon Reserve Means More Poaching.

6. PottersWorld - A Harry Potter world RPG in which you start as an eleven-year-old student at Hogwarts and can grow up to enter the adult world and take on jobs at St. Mungo's, the Ministry and more. It's got fantastic detail put into it, and once you get a hang of the rules, it's a ton of fun. I RP there as Viola Warren, so say hi if you join!

7. The Dark Arts - A site dedicated to Harry Potter fan art. You can take a look at the artist forums, or request that stuff be made for you. There is some serious talent over here...

8. Harry Potter Fan Fiction - Pretty self-explanatory. Harry Potter fanfic! Beware of Hermione/Sorting Hat... Yeah, it exists.

9. J.K. Rowling's Official Site - Again, self-explanatory. Has her bio and her latest news on it, and its design is fantastic.

10. Harry Potter Wiki - Has everything you'd ever want to know on anything Harry Potter-related. I could spend hours getting lost on the pages of this website. Definitely worth a visit.

I have a terrible feeling that I'm missing something totally obvious, so I might add some stuff later, but these are the top 10 sites that come to mind when I think of Harry Potter! Be back soon with more picspammage (hopefully).

Mischief managed.

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